Ministries We Support
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:19-20)
We are blessed to join with the work of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling our Lord Jesus Christ’s Great Commission. Through the work of global missions and local outreach, we pray that God’s kingdom would be furthered and that His name would be glorified in all the earth. Currently, the ministries we support are:

Pastor Frank Monge
Costa Rica
We joyfully support two men, both native Costa Ricans, who are doing the work of the Lord in Costa Rica. Pastor Frank Monge and his wife Illeana lead Together for Christ Church in Tejarcillos, a suburb of San Jose. Together for Christ Church is a small church, much like SBC, that ministers to the people of one of the poorest areas of one of the most affluent, advanced, and free Central American countries. They minister among a predominantly Roman Catholic religious culture. They also contend for the faith with many strains of prosperity gospel “churches,” which bring people out from one unbiblical gospel into another, which of course is no gospel at all. Many people in the area are either unchurched altogether or involved with various cults or forms of the occult. Additionally, they minister in an area with many broken families. It is unusual for fathers to remain with their families to support, lead, protect and love them. This context makes for a church demographic where men are conspicuously absent. Thus, they often minister to struggling mothers who shoulder all the responsibility for the family and their very young children.

Children of Together with Christ Church
For the past several years, Together for Christ Church has been in transition toward learning, teaching, preaching and loving the biblical Doctrines of Grace. They have by the grace and enablement of God made much progress toward faithfully and competently making sense of the Holy Scriptures, in both faith and life.
We have supported this church for over seven years and have sent several teams of two or more people from our congregation as we are able. On these visits, we provide teaching and pastoral training. We have covered topics such as hermeneutics, biblical eldership, and what it means to follow Christ. We also provide help with curriculum needs for the children of the church and with material needs for the ministry. Please pray for Frank and Illeana, their ministry, and how the Lord would have you personally become involved.

Pastor Daniel and his wife
We also support Pastor Daniel Lobo and his wife Natalia. We first met this couple when they served as our translators at Together for Christ Church. Daniel is currently a seminary teacher, while also completing his own seminary studies. Additionally, he works as the General Editor for a major Reformed Presbyterian publishing company, translating Reformed Christian works into Spanish. His expertise in translation and precision in both Spanish and English have enabled him to personally contribute to the translation of Calvin’s Commentaries and many Puritan titles. His most recent ongoing work is the translation of the study notes of the Reformation Study Bible (2015). Daniel is an ordained minister and serves as a Pastor in a local Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Pastor Daniel’s congregation
He gives graciously of himself when he translates the seminars we conduct during our annual visits. He also regularly and faithfully disciples Pastor Frank and Illeana. Together they have studied 1st and 2nd Timothy in their entirety, as well as other parts of the Old and New Testaments.
Please pray for Daniel and Natalia, their ministry, and how the Lord would have you personally become involved.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
For more than 70 years,
Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. Wycliffe’s mission is to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by 2025. At least 1.5 billion people do not have the full Bible in their language — that’s more people than the entire continent of Africa!
Ligonier Ministries
We support the teaching fellowship of
Dr. R.C. Sproul. The mission, passion, and purpose of
Ligonier Ministries is to proclaim the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.
HeartCry Missionary Society
HeartCry Missionary Society exists “to glorify God through the establishment of biblical churches by equipping and mobilizing indigenous churches and missionaries in the least evangelized areas of the world.” In obedience to the Great Commission, we are all called to make disciples of all the nations. Equipping local believers to plant local biblical churches is an effective way of doing this. So, we are pleased to be able to support HeartCry’s work as part of our global missions outreach.