From the Elder’s Study
Teaching Notes and Handouts
The Bible:
Scriptures and Scripture Harmonies:
- The Great Commandment
- The Ten Commandments
- The Great Commission
- Depravity
- Sovereign Election
- Good Friday – Harmony
- Harmony of the Triumphal Entry NASB
- Resurrection Sunday – Harmony
- Tools for Evangelism
- Absolute Truth
- Following Christ
- Warnings against Anger
- Creeds and the Nature of Christ
- The Kingdom of God
- Election — Definition
- Free Will
- The Son of Man and the Son of God
- Chicago Statements
Church Governance by Elders:
Expository Preaching:
- The Methods of Biblical Expository Preaching
- What Qualifies as Expository Preaching of the Bible?
- Core Beliefs
- Sermon Application
- Preaching with Authority
Church Life and Membership:
- What Should I Be Looking for in a Church?
- What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?
- Why You Should Join a Church
- Baptism and Church Membership
- Church Membership Requirements
- Christian Fellowship
- One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
- Aspects of the Church of God
Also, please see our additional resource pages: Recommended Bible Study Resources and